Do Allergies Make You Tired

person exasperated on the couch

We all know about the classic allergy symptoms: coughing, a stuffy nose, and rashes. Feeling fatigued on top of these symptoms can be incredibly tough to deal with. In this guide, we’ll explore whether or not the tiredness you feel when having allergic reactions is because of allergies, with a focus on cat allergies.

Understanding Allergies

Allergies happen when your immune system misidentifies an otherwise harmless protein as a threat. Think of things that cause allergies in people: pet dander, pollen, dust – these are all harmless but they involve proteins that can cause severe allergic reactions. These proteins are called allergens. When an allergic person’s immune system detects these proteins, it triggers an immune response, releasing histamines and other chemicals that lead to inflammation throughout the body.

These inflammatory chemicals lead to the symptoms that we’re familiar with: inflammation in the respiratory system leads to coughs and a stuffy nose, while inflammation in other parts of the body leads to skin rashes.

The Link Between Allergies and Fatigue

While fatigue does not always accompany allergy symptoms, it’s not uncommon either. Knowing how allergies work now, you can see that your body is fighting what it thinks is a disease! You feel tired when you’re sick because your body is dedicating so much energy to fight off the virus causing your sickness. It’s the same when you have a severe allergic reaction, you feel tired because your immune system is eliminating the allergens. We’ve also written an article about how to manage your allergy-induced fatigue, so check it out if you’re interested!

How To Identify If Allergies Make You Tired

The first step is to see if your tiredness is usually accompanied by other allergy symptoms. If you’ve found that they are, you can try some at home tests to find what you’re allergic to.

What Causes Allergies to Pets

More and more households are getting pets to bring joy into their lives. In fact, 7 out of every 10 households in the US own a pet. But we don’t always know if we’re going to be allergic to a pet before we get one. But how do your pets cause allergies?

  • Your cat or dog’s saliva contains proteins that are allergens. When cats groom themselves or dogs get their saliva onto themselves, these allergens spread onto their skin.
  • Cats and dogs regularly shed both fur and skin flakes (otherwise known as dander), causing the allergens to spread throughout the space they live in. If you’re allergic and inhale the dander, an allergic reaction triggers.
  • Urinary proteins from cats and dogs can also trigger allergic reactions.

If you got a pet before realizing you were allergic to it, don’t panic! There are ways to manage these symptoms without having to give your furry friend away. Consider making allergen-free zones by sectioning off areas of the house where your pet cannot enter, using air purifiers to regularly remove dander from the air, and using Pacagen’s Cat and Dog (Coming Soon!) Allergen Neutralizing Spray. These sprays are scientifically formulated to mask allergens from your immune system, rendering the allergens truly harmless to people who suffer from allergies.


Feeling tired all the time disrupts our lives in so many ways. It affects our work, relationships, and is an overall quite unpleasant experience. But if you’ve found that your tiredness is always accompanied by allergy symptoms, life doesn’t have to be this way. There are easy ways to manage these symptoms.

If your allergies are to cats, Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray can help with symptom management. You can break free of the tiredness you felt around your cat and enjoy a good, furry life with it!

We know all about the classic allergy symptoms: coughing, a stuffy nose, and rashes. Feeling fatigued on top of these symptoms can be incredibly tough to deal with. In this guide, we’ll explore whether or not the tiredness you feel when having allergic reactions is because of allergies, with a focus on cat allergies.

Understanding Allergies

Allergies happen when your immune system misidentifies an otherwise harmless protein as a threat. Think of things that cause allergies in people: pet dander, pollen, dust – these are all harmless but they involve proteins that can cause severe allergic reactions. These proteins are called allergens. When an allergic person’s immune system detects these proteins, it triggers an immune response, releasing histamines and other chemicals that lead to inflammation throughout the body.

These inflammatory chemicals lead to the symptoms that we’re familiar with: inflammation in the respiratory system leads to coughs and a stuffy nose, while inflammation in other parts of the body leads to skin rashes.

The Link Between Allergies and Fatigue

While fatigue does not always accompany allergy symptoms, it’s not uncommon either. Knowing how allergies work now, you can see that your body is fighting what it thinks is a disease! You feel tired when you’re sick because your body is dedicating so much energy to fight off the virus causing your sickness. It’s the same when you have a severe allergic reaction, you feel tired because your immune system is eliminating the allergens. We’ve also written an article about how to manage your allergy-induced fatigue, so check it out if you’re interested!

How To Identify If Allergies Make You Tired

The first step is to see if your tiredness is usually accompanied by other allergy symptoms. If you’ve found that they are, you can try some at home tests to find what you’re allergic to.

What Causes Allergies to Pets

More and more households are getting pets to bring joy into their lives. In fact, 7 out of every 10 households in the US own a pet. But we don’t always know if we’re going to be allergic to a pet before we get one. But how do your pets cause allergies?

  • Your cat or dog’s saliva contains proteins that are allergens. When cats groom themselves or dogs get their saliva onto themselves, these allergens spread onto their skin.
  • Cats and dogs regularly shed both fur and skin flakes (otherwise known as dander), causing the allergens to spread throughout the space they live in. If you’re allergic and inhale the dander, an allergic reaction triggers.
  • Urinary proteins from cats and dogs can also trigger allergic reactions.

If you got a pet before realizing you were allergic to it, don’t panic! There are ways to manage these symptoms without having to give your furry friend away. Consider making allergen-free zones by sectioning off areas of the house where your pet cannot enter, using air purifiers to regularly remove dander from the air, and using Pacagen’s Cat and Dog (Coming Soon!) Allergen Neutralizing Spray. These sprays are scientifically formulated to mask allergens from your immune system, rendering the allergens truly harmless to people who suffer from allergies.


Feeling tired all the time disrupts our lives in so many ways. It affects our work, relationships, and is an overall quite unpleasant experience. But if you’ve found that your tiredness is always accompanied by allergy symptoms, life doesn’t have to be this way. There are easy ways to manage these symptoms.

If your allergies are to cats, Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray can help with symptom management. You can break free of the tiredness you felt around your cat and enjoy a good, furry life with it!