Home Remedies for Dog Allergies

If you’ve got seasonal allergies, perhaps to mold or pollen, you know how hassling and frustrating it can be. Imagine the misery and nuisance of a persistent itch, whether caused by dry skin, a rash, or a bug bite. The allergy can make it difficult for you to focus on anything other than that pesky itch. Did you know that the same is true for your four-legged companion?
If allergies can be so irritating for you, just imagine how these pesky allergies can be for your dogs. Our doggies can react to all types of allergens: fleas, some food items, skin conditions, contact allergens, medications, dust mites, pollen, and mold spores, to name a few. The result? Sniffles, itchy eyes, and even hair loss. This being said, as a pet owner, you’ll be happy to hear that there are many home remedies for dog allergies.
In this guide, we'll explore science-backed, simple home remedies to keep your home a haven for your furry friend and for yourself!
Understanding Dog Allergies
Before diving into home remedies, let's briefly talk about dog allergies and the science behind them. Allergic reactions occur when your dog's immune system overreacts to a harmless substance from external sources. Such external substances are known as an allergen. Allergens exist almost everywhere, including the environment, other animals, and food. For example, just like in humans, dog’s might suffer allergy symptoms after being exposed to dust mites.
Does Your Dog Have Skin Allergies?
As a dog owner, you may know that dogs love a good scratch. However, excessive itching is often a sign of a skin condition or underlying allergy, such as contact dermatitis. It's annoying when your puppy is scratching all the time. It’s worse when you can't figure out why they are scratching incessantly. If your dog’s behavior is unprecedented and visibly uncomfortable, you should consider the possibility that it may be due to skin allergies.
Several elements and factors can cause allergies that can affect your canine partner. Some of the most common ones include:
- Food allergies. For example, if your dog is allergic to a protein and you mistakenly got him treats that contain these proteins, then your furry friend might suffer an allergic reaction.
- Atopy. This occurs when your dog’s immune system considers a common, unharmful protein as harmful. As a result, your dog develops an atopy and shows severe reactions.
- Parasite hypersensitivity. This is often caused when your dog comes in contact with the saliva of fleas, ticks, or dust mites. It can result in extreme itching, redness, and hair loss.
- Yeast infection. Yeast is usually present on your dog’s skin in limited amounts. However, if the amount increases, it can cause allergies. This increase in yeast can happen if the environment is warm or moist, or if your dog has an endocrine disorder.
How Do You Treat Your Dog’s Allergies At Home?
If you know your dog has been caught up with allergies and you want to treat it at home, you’re in the right place! We have listed down some of the best home remedies for dog allergies:
- Oatmeal baths. Why oatmeal? It has anti-inflammatory and soothing elements that can help relieve your dog’s itching and redness. Simply put powdered oatmeal in a warm bath and let your doggy soak in it for 10-15 minutes.
- Apple cider vinegar. This works like magic! Even in humans, it’s said to use apple cider vinegar if you have dandruff or any sort of fungal allergy/infection. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:4 ratio, and then apply it to affected areas with a cotton ball. Rinse it off later!
- Coconut oil. This oil is a natural moisturizer for dry, itchy skin and is easily accessible. Take a small amount of it and apply it gently on your pup's skin.
- Chamomile tea. This team can do wonders to help with inflammation, soothing your dog’s irritated skin. You just have to make a cup of chamomile tea, cool it off at room temperature, and then apply it with a cotton ball.
How to Treat Your Own Allergies to Your Furry Baby
Now that you know all the information related to your dog’s allergies, let’s discuss how you can treat your own allergies! Unfortunately, around 10% of Americans are allergic to dogs. That’s right: many dog owners could be allergic to their own furry friends! Such allergies are among some of the major risk factors for developing asthma and arthritis. If you have dog allergies, you may be wondering how to treat them so that you can still enjoy spending time with your furry friend. Here are some of tips for you:
Avoid Contact With The Allergen
This may seem obvious, but the best way for a human to treat their allergies to their dog is to avoid contact with the allergen, which is often in dog dander. Dander consists of microscopic flakes of skin that dogs shed. It can be found on their fur, bedding, and clothing. Here are some ways to reduce your exposure to dog dander:
- Wash your hands after petting your dog.
- Keep your dog out of your bedroom.
- Bathe your dog regularly.
- Vacuum your home regularly, especially in areas where your dog spends a lot of time.
- Use an air purifier to remove dander from the air.
Take Over-The-Counter Allergy Medications
Over-the-counter antihistamines, such as Benadryl and Claritin, can help you relieve allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Decongestants, such as Sudafed, can also help to relieve congestion.
Use Allergy Nasal Sprays
Allergy nasal sprays, such as Flonase and Nasonex, can help to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages and relieve allergy symptoms.
See An Allergist
You may want to see an allergist if your allergies are severe. They can test you to determine what exactly you’re allergic to, and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
Your dog’s own allergies are no joke! Many of our canine companions experience allergic reactions and associated licking, intense scratching, and other similar symptoms. So, getting your beloved pet the relief and care they need is crucial.
Furthermore, if you have allergies to dogs, there are a number of things you can do to remedy your symptoms. By avoiding contact with the allergen, taking over-the-counter allergy medications, or using allergy nasal sprays, you can relieve your symptoms and enjoy spending time with your furry friend. If your allergies are severe, you may want to see an allergist for allergy immunotherapy.
For a sniffle-free coexistence with your four-legged partner, try a combination of science-backed home remedies along with Pacagen's revolutionary solutions, such as our Dog Allergen Neutralizing Spray (Coming Soon!), which safely and effectively neutralizes allergens in dander. Enjoy your time with your furry friend now!