removes 98% of active cat allergens!
Introducing our Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray, which proactively shuts down accumulated allergens.
As Featured In

"Existing treatments are invasive shots and pills that aren’t much help [...] But one start-up called Pacagen is finally changing all that"

"This spray works proactively to ensure symptoms never manifest”
how it works

Cats produce an allergen called Fel d 1 in their saliva. This is what causes cat allergies.

We engineer proteins called nanobodies that can bind to and neutralize these allergens!

We put these nanobodies into sprays for easy use. Simply spray in the air and on surfaces every 2-3 days.

The result: up to 98% of allergens are neutralized, which means less sniffles and more cuddles!
How to use it
Find areas in your house that cats frequent, such as the couch, the bedroom, or nearby litter box.
Spray these areas generously with our Allergen Neutralizing Spray and wait 10-15 minutes for the nanobodies to work their magic.
Repeat this process every 2-3 days based on symptoms to enjoy your newly discovered allergen-free life!
The Science Behind Pacagen
Our search for a better way to manage cat allergens began with an unexpected key player: alpacas! Inspired by their unique immune systems, we developed nanobodies that have the remarkable ability to exclusively bind to Fel d 1 without affecting cats or people.
Through a binding mechanism only possible because of our nanobodies' unique structure, our products are able to reduce airborne Fel d 1 concentrations by up to 98%, making it the most effective cat allergen reducer available.

A Story Rooted In Love
Pacagen’s journey began with love at first sight. When Dr. Evan Zhao and Dr. Siyang Han welcomed their British Shorthair, Miaomiao, into their lives, their joy was quickly met with a challenge—Siyang’s allergies. Determined not to choose between her health and Miaomiao, Evan, a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University, turned to his expertise. The discovery of nanobodies that neutralize allergens provided the answer.
The result? A cat allergen spray, safe for pets and people. “Now, we can enjoy Miaomiao without worry—and that’s what I want for every pet family,” Evan shares.

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