Air Purifier for Cat Allergies

Sep 21, 2023

person suffering from allergies at their desk

Maybe you just found out you’re allergic to your own recently-adopted cat. Or maybe you have friends with cat allergies that can no longer comfortably be around your cats. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help with these allergies – many of which you can simply implement in your daily routine, with minimal burden. For instance, on top of improving household hygiene and taking supplements, you can try using an air purifier for cat allergies.

What Causes Cat Allergies?

Contrary to popular belief, cat allergies aren’t actually due to cat hair. Rather, it’s due to a protein in their saliva called Fel D1, which cats spread around when they groom themselves and eventually shed, leaving their saliva-covered dander and hair on surfaces. On top of this, after licking themselves “clean,” the saliva can dry and the Fel D1 can become airborne. These mechanisms of spreading Fel D1 are some of the biggest contributors to allergic reactions. 

When somebody with cat allergies steps into a room with a lot of cumulated Fel D1, they may experience several symptoms such as itchy eyes, a runny/stuffy nose, and shortness of breath, amongst others. This occurs because when these individuals are exposed to Fel D1, their immune systems mistake these harmless foreign particles (called “allergens”) to be something harmful, initiating a cascade that results in the production of histamines and these associated symptoms. 

How Can Using An Air Purifier for Cat Allergies Help?

Using an air purifier for cat allergies is a great way to reduce the levels of airborne Fel D1. Air purifiers are portable devices that consist of a filter(s) and a fan that pulls in and circulates air. They drastically improve air quality by taking in air through its filter, capturing pollutants and other particles, and pushing the cleaned air back out into the living space. 

For the most part, individuals who are allergic to cats don’t tend to have severe allergic reactions to brief encounters with a cat. Rather, most discomfort takes place when exposed to a room that’s accumulated a lot of Fel D1 over time – both in the air and on surfaces. By simply introducing certain types of air purifiers into their households, allergic individuals can clean the air of airborne allergens, bringing relief to their symptoms.

How Do I Decide On an Air Purifier for Cat Allergies?

Given their usefulness at cleaning the air of any unwanted particles (including Fel D1), it’s important that you make the most well-educated decision you can make in purchasing a filter. Alongside quality of life factors such as price, design, and noisiness, there are a few other factors to consider when specifically looking for an air purifier for cat allergies.

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) Filter

Certain air filters are certified HEPA filters, meaning they’re mechanical filters that are better able to remove particles as small as 0.3 microns. In the context of dealing with cat allergens, having a HEPA filter is highly recommended, considering the Fel D1 targets tend to be smaller than what most other air filters can remove.

High CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate)

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), many air purifiers with low CADRs may be too weak to effectively clean the air in average-sized rooms. Hence, the best air purifiers for cat allergies should be ones with higher CADRs, so as to clean the air as thoroughly as possible. 

What Else Can Help with Cat Allergies?

This all being said, not everyone may want to purchase an air purifier for cat allergies. After all, air purifiers do tend to have an extensive price-tag. Fortunately, there are several other steps you can take to deal with your cat allergies. For instance, you can groom your cat more regularly, clean your surfaces more frequently, or even use antihistamines if symptoms get very uncomfortable. For more information, see our other article about ways to get rid of cat allergies.

If you’re looking for another affordable tool you can utilize to deal with cat allergies, consider Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray. Not only is it far more affordable than an air filter, but it’s also easy to use: with just a few sprays in the air and near surfaces, this product will effectively neutralize the Fel D1 proteins that are causing so much trouble. This product is also safe for both the owner and the cats. 

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