How To Stop Allergies Immediately Naturally

person drinking out of a mug

Pet lovers everywhere find it difficult to accept the devastating reality that they may be allergic to their cherished cat and dog friends. However, there's no need to worry as there are some ways to stop allergies immediately naturally – or at least remedy the symptoms of allergies.

There are effective natural remedies available in nature that can help relieve allergies in dogs and cats. Instead of using prescription drugs to treat allergic reactions, many people would rather investigate natural remedies. In addition to providing relief, these natural methods give pet owners the ability to manage their pet's allergies without depending entirely on medication.

Symptoms of Allergies

Before we discuss the ways you can deal with allergies naturally, it’s important to first understand the symptoms of allergies that should alert you that something is wrong.


An allergic reaction can often be brought on by exposure to pet allergens and can be observed abruptly strong air expulsions through the nose.

Nasal Congestion

Breathing through the nose becomes difficult due to blockage or obstruction of the nasal passages, which often comes on by allergies to dogs and cats.

Itchy or Watery Eyes

The symptoms of allergies may  appear as eye irritation, itching, and excessive tear production.


As the body tries to rid the respiratory system of allergens, constant coughing may happen. This reaction is often related to pet allergies.

Skin Reactions

An immunological reaction to allergens found in pets can cause allergies to show up on the skin as redness or hives.

Difficulty breathing

Breathing problems or a feeling of being out of breath are common during allergic reactions, especially in people who are more sensitive to allergens from cats and dogs.


A whistling sound with a high pitch made while breathing often occurs in people who are allergic experiencing respiratory difficulties during a reaction. 

Reasons of Allergies

The primary reasons behind dog and cat allergies are proteins that can be found in their urine, dander, and saliva. A particular protein known as Fel D1 is frequently responsible for allergic reactions to cats. This protein gets transferred into the fur of cats when they groom themselves. Additionally, saliva can become airborne when it dries on their skin or fur and trigger allergic reactions in those who are sensitive.

Similar to this, some people may experience allergic reactions to proteins found in dog dander, saliva, and urine – particularly to proteins called Can F1 and Can F2. It's important to understand that human allergies are caused by proteins found in animal fluids and skin particles, not necessarily by the hair or fur.

Luckily, for pet owners, there is a specific solution: Pacagen's neutralizing sprays. Pacagen provides specific solutions in the form of a Dog Allergen Neutralizing Spray (Coming Soon!) and a Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray. These sprays are designed to target particular allergies associated with dogs and cats, respectively.

Natural Treatment for Cat and Dog Allergies

Having allergies to dogs and cats does not mean having to give up your beloved companions. To reduce symptoms and make your home more comfortable, you can use some natural techniques.

Set Allergy free areas

Setting areas that are prohibited to dogs and cats, especially in the bedroom, may significantly reduce allergy exposure. Even though allergens may still be in the air, having places that are specifically designated to be allergen-free may help reduce their concentration, which relieves those who have allergies.

Regular Hand Washing

It might be difficult to resist wanting to touch your cute dog or cat, but cleaning your hands frequently afterward is essential. By removing allergens from your hands, you can reduce the chance of having watery, itchy eyes by keeping them off of your face.

Carefully Brushing your pet

Cleaning dogs and cats regularly is essential. Weekly baths might be difficult, but you can successfully minimize loose dander by brushing your dog and cat outside. Because brushing can temporarily increase the amount of allergens in the air, it's imperative to avoid doing this in an allergen-free zone.

Continuous Cleaning of the House

Keeping your home clean is important for controlling allergies to your pets. Dusting and cleaning surfaces on a regular basis helps avoid the accumulation of allergens. Cleaning should ideally be done by someone who isn’t allergic, but if that isn't feasible, using a dust mask can help while cleaning.

Consider Flooring Changes

For those with allergies, switching from carpeted areas to smooth flooring like wood or tile can have a big impact. For people with allergies to cats and dogs, smooth flooring is a better choice because carpets tend to trap more allergens over time.

For more ways to treat pet allergies naturally, take a look at our other article about natural remedies for allergies in humans.


In conclusion, by understanding the protein-based causes of pet allergies, natural treatments can be used to manage them. Creating allergy-free regions, washing your hands frequently, and grooming your pets are all part of creating a cozy living environment. Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray and Dog Allergen Neutralizing Spray (Coming Soon!) can provide specialized relief for dog and cat allergens. As a side note, Pacagen’s Dust Allergen Neutralizing Spray (Coming Soon!) can also help mitigate and address allergies to dust mites. You can strike a balance, spending time with your furry friends and successfully managing allergies, by adopting these techniques.