Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Jan 11, 2024

bengal cat next to a pot

Are you struggling to take care of a cat because of your cat allergies? Some people find that the sight of a cat causes them to sneeze and have itchy eyes, which makes owning a feline friend seem unachievable. The good news? There are hypoallergenic cats, so there is hope for those with allergies!

Hypoallergenic cats generally produce less allergy-causing particles (“allergens”), making them much easier to be around for someone with allergies. Many of these cats also groom themselves differently from other cats, which further slows the spread of allergens.

Are you curious about what causes allergic reactions and whether any hypoallergenic cat breeds are a good fit for you? This article goes into the category of hypoallergenic cats, shedding light on their characteristics, their most popular types, and their potential to provide comfort to families dealing with feline allergies.

What are the Hypoallergenic Cats?

Cat breeds that are considered hypoallergenic are thought to be less likely to cause allergic reactions in people who are normally sensitive to cats. Although a cat can't be completely allergen-free, hypoallergenic cat breeds generally produce fewer allergens, which makes them a better option for individuals who suffer from cat allergies.

The main feature of hypoallergenic cats is their minimal production of Fel D1, the main protein in cat saliva that causes allergies. Due to cats’ tendencies to groom themselves, they tend to spread Fel D1 onto their skin and hair – this makes their dander just as harmful to those with allergies. Certain cats are considered low-allergen or hypoallergenic because, alongside producing less Fel D1 to begin with, they also shed very little dander. For more general information, take a look at our other article about hypoallergenic cats.

Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Russian Blue

Russian Blue cats have a distinctive feature of producing lower levels of Fel D1 proteins than many other breeds, which makes them an attractive option for people struggling with cat allergies. These colorful feline friends are known to be hypoallergenic despite having thick double coats. 

A wonderful dimension to the relationship between cats and humans, Russian Blues are beloved for their playful and loyal nature, which extends beyond their hypoallergenic qualities. Your Russian Blue friend may end up being your lifelong shadow as they inquisitively explore every corner of your residence. 

Not only are they a good option for allergy sufferers, but they are also wonderful companions that will add even more happiness and comfort to your home, due to their curious and loving personality.


Siberian cats are hypoallergenic despite their furry coats. Siberians are a good option for people with mild allergies because, despite their opulent triple coat, they produce much less of the Fel D1 protein than many other cat breeds. 

Weekly brushing is an easy and helpful way to keep the coat of your Siberian cat in excellent condition. It's important to brush your cat every day during shedding season, and it's a good idea to ask a friend or relative who doesn't have cat allergies for assistance.

Siberian cats have relaxed personalities, which makes them great companions for homes with small children. Their kind and laid-back dispositions add another level of appeal, providing homes with a calming and friendly presence in addition to less allergenic impact. 


Often praised as the long-haired Siamese, Balinese cats are smart, flexible, and friendly. Balinese cats are well-known for having peaceful interactions with kids and other pets because they’re able to find the perfect mix between being playful and unwinding. It is thought that long-haired kittens that escaped from a Siamese cat naturally transformed to become the Balinese.

Balinese cats, despite having long coats, do not often shed, so they need little care to keep their beautiful appearance. Their alleged decreased Fel D1 protein production distinguishes them as hypoallergenic wonders, which makes them a wonderful option for allergy sufferers. 

Alongside their attractive looks and friendly disposition, Balinese cats are a compelling choice for anyone looking for a feline friend without having to deal with allergies.


The Bengal cat, which looks like a tiny jungle predatory animal, has become very popular in recent years because of its unique appearance and affectionate nature. Bengals are known to be a hypoallergenic breed of cat because they are thought to produce less of the common allergen Fel D1 protein and shed less hair than many other breeds. 

Bengals seldom cause allergic reactions, as many allergy-stricken owners discover. Interestingly, these cats might not dislike water in the usual ways; instead, they might prefer to be near it and play with it. Bengal cats are known for their distinctive appearance and engaging behavior; some owners have even shared humorous stories of their cats willingly joining them in the shower.


Sphynx cats have very little fur, looking almost hairless. Because they don't groom themselves as often as long-haired cats do, less Fel D1 proteins cover their bodies. This makes them fairly hypoallergenic and easy to be around for those with cat allergies.

Sphynx cats have a beautiful coat of downy fur that resembles peach fuzz, despite their almost hairless appearance. To keep their skin healthy, proper care entails taking regular baths and occasionally applying oil. These unusual cats are vibrant and full of energy, and they adore being around people. 

Devon Rex

When compared to other cat breeds, the Devon Rex has thinner, finer fur and sheds less. Generally, they don't require much grooming; you can easily maintain their coat by wiping it down to spread natural oils.

Devon Rex cats are vivacious and enjoy participating in your activities. When they're happy, they're known to purr loudly and occasionally display mischievous behavior. Keeping a watch on them guarantees they stay out of trouble.

Cornish Rex

The curly coats of Cornish Rex cats fit their bodies snugly. They are a good option for allergy sufferers because, similar to the Devon Rex, they have short, thin coats that shed less. Because of the type of coat they have, Cornish Rexes require more frequent bathing than other breeds because they are more likely to accumulate oil.

These energetic and playful cats infuse joy into any home with their well-known playful nature. Being able to be lifted is something that few other feline companions enjoy, but Cornish Rex cats' curiosity make them stand out. You can anticipate these felines to be your lifelong friends, following you around the house and lovingly feeding off of your attention and affection.

Alternative Solutions to Cat Allergies

An alternative solution for people suffering from cat allergies is Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray. This innovative product offers a useful and efficient way to live with feline friends by reducing the effects of the Fel D1 allergen – all while being safe for both the pet and pet owner!

The spray offers a proactive approach to allergy management. You can drastically reduce the amount of active allergens in your household by simply spraying the Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray on important areas of your living space, such as furniture, carpets, and bedding. 

With the help of this readily available solution, allergy sufferers can finally spend quality time with their cherished felines without sacrificing their health!

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