6 Ways You Can Reduce Cat Allergen Concentrations In The Home

Cat allergies are the worst. But getting over them can be easier than you think. Here's a list of 6 quick and painless ways you can get over your cat allergies, each in 2 sentences or less.


The age-old remedy. Medication usually works fine, but at times has unpleasant side-effects.


Sucks up loose allergy-causing cat fur. Occasionally misses cat fur stuck in corners.


Desensitizes the immune system to cat fur and allergens. Usually takes a long time and can be costly.


Neutralizes cat allergens before they can get in contact with an immune system. Works like a charm and is really convenient.

Air Purifiers

Removes airborne cat allergens and has the added benefit of cleaning the air. Won't remove all allergens, so allergy attacks can still happen.

Cat-Free Zones

Guarantees that no cat allergens will be in certain areas. Reduces quality time spent with cats.

Interested In The Science?

Our search for a better remedy to cat allergies began with an unexpected key player: alpacas! Inspired by their unique immune systems, we sought to engineer a novel active ingredient.

A Story Rooted In Love

Pacagen is built by a team of pet lovers who are dedicated to making life easier for those struggling with cat allergies. In fact, Pacagen’s story is a personal one.

Ready to take the first step towards an allergen free life?